Monday, October 7, 2013

Preparing For a New Baby- Diaper Wise

Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged! Life is so busy with an almost 8, almost 6, and almost 3 year olds. I almost didn't remember how to write a new post!
I have good news! We are expecting again. I am 27 weeks today. We seem to be over the scary hump and into just waiting for baby mode. We haven't announced publicly, our close friends and family know, but that is about it. I never did a facebook announcement. We are waiting till baby is born to do so. Losing a baby in the second trimester (in November 2012) has really put life into perspective for me. Nothing is certain in life, and while we are rejoicing with those closest to us about our impending arrival, we have kept it pretty private. This baby is so much wanted and already loved by his or her big brothers and sister, myself and my husband. We cannot wait for the big day!

 I sure have had fun preparing for baby by buying a newborn diaper stash! And the wool longies. Oh the wool longies! They are so tiny and small! Diapers are the only thing I need for this baby, so it's been my only thing I have gotten to buy so far.

What makes up my stash for the newborn diapering? Well, variety, lots of variety! I'll add links to the certain brands websites.
I have about 16 preemie prefolds of varying brands (unknown, I bought used). We probably won't need them for long, if we need the preemie sized at all, but if we do need them for a real itty bitty, we have them. Plus they will always come in handy for doublers, spit catchers, etc. I have I think 18 newborn sized prefolds as well, 2 GMD nb prefolds, and the rest unknown, as I bought used.
I've got an assortment of fitteds, Geffen Fitteds, Thirsties fitteds (their old style was sized, so I have a couple xs and small, but I also have a few of their size 1 as well), a Goodmama fitted, just got two BuggaBuggaBoutique fitteds in the mail today (so cute!!! And this wahm is awesome!), a Sbish mini snapless fitted , and I think that is it for the fitteds!
Covers, I have a few wool covers, but I'll talk about that later. For PUL covers, of course I will use my first love of Softbums (That I am using on my 30 pound almost 3 year old still!). I will use the Softbums Echo, these are narrower in the crotch than the Omni, and fit on a newborn much better. I will also use Thirsties newborn covers, Sweet Pea newborn cover, Rumparooz newborn cover.
I've got some All In Ones (AIO) as well. I am typically not an AIO fan, I love AI2s so much more, but AIOs are really nice for late night diaper changes, and on the go with a newborn. Which, let's face it, we will be a lot with 3 older kids. My AIOs that I have, and am excited to try, Blueberry Simplex AIO (I got this as a gift from a friend!),  Rumparooz Lil Joeys AIOs, a newborn Gro-Via AIO, and these came from a co-op, THX newborn AIO.
I think this is it, minus Softbums mini pods, which are just newborn sized microfiber inserts to use in my Softbums covers. I've got lots of these as well!

Wool. I love me some wool! Most are handmade from friends, or I bought used, but I also have a pair of xs Sbish longies. I am excited to use all the wool I have, and a couple that haven't come yet. Wool is breathable, adorable, and really not that hard to care for! It can be intimidatingat first, but once you try, you discover it's really easy! And did I mention cute!?!

I always suggest buying used. It saves money, the diapers are already prepped for use, and the investment doesn't seem so scary when purchasing things at a deal. Plus if a certain diaper doesn't work out for you, buying used means you can probably sell it for what you paid. Most everything I have purchased has been bought used. This has saved me a couple hundred dollars!

If you want to buy from a retailer though, and many of the things I have linked to can be purchased from online stores like MySweetPickles ( there are a few things I listed about that I bought from them!). This is a local online store to me, they have great customer service, lightning fast shipping,  often have deals and sales, and I really like supporting local businesses, even if they are an online one! They are mom run, and who doesn't like supporting fellow moms?

So there you have it. This is what I will be using on my newborn, God willing. I won't post pictures of my stash yet. We are keeping the baby's gender a surprise, and posting pics would let the cat out of the bag!  I guess you will just have to wait till our little one is born and I start reviewing all these diapers to see them!

(I in no way am endorsing or get paid by any of the companies I have mentioned above.)


  1. Greetings! My name is Heather and I was hoping you would be able to answer my question regarding your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
